
Art Curation in the Home & in Interior Design: A Guide

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When it comes to choosing what kind of art to collect and subsequently hang in your home, there’s more to it than you would think. Art curation is a delicate process – one that can take experience, skills, and years on the job to master.

Creating a cohesive space in your home with hung art can be difficult, especially if you don’t already have an established art collection to work with. In this article, we’ve included some tips for curating art in your home. 

What is Art Curation?

Art curation simply refers to the decision-making process for where and how art should be displayed. This includes factors such as where they are placed, the framing of the art piece, the order in which they appear, and so on. In addition to the intentional placement of the art, curation also involves a macro-view of the themes that will be showcased to viewers. 

Museums, for example, are often given access to a large number of art collections at a time. With limited space, museums engage professional art curators to ensure that the art is displayed in the best possible way to be enjoyed by art enthusiasts. Art curators are subject matter experts who have a keen understanding of the best way to display art for the best effect.  

The Value of Curated Art in the Home

Decorating the space in a home on a basic level is easy; most people already have some art or pictures hanging on their walls. However, achieving a harmonious design that flows from room to room is another thing altogether — which is where art curation comes in. 

Similar to how it is seen in museums, art curation plays a critical role in making full use of the limited space in a home. Placing a piece of art in the right spot can enhance both the space and the piece itself.

Art curation goes beyond simply filling up empty spaces on the wall with art. The intentional choice of art from colours to visual themes can make a significant impact on how a room feels. There is only so much space on the walls, so be selective with what art to hang and where.

How to Curate Art at Home

An expert art curation service is the best way to hang art in the home. That being said, here are some general tips that are used in approaching art curation at home: 

Creating a Theme

Themes are a core component of art, but also design. Having a theme in mind can help to shape the subsequent decisions of curating art for the home. 

Minimalism is popular in most modern homes — the use of simple shapes and colours can evoke a contemporary feel in a space. Chosen art pieces that reflect this theme can improve the cohesiveness of the space. 

Arrangement and Placement 

When hanging art, the general rule is that the centre of the piece should be at eye level. This placement is important to keep in mind as hanging a frame too high (even to make use of empty space) can end up reducing its visibility significantly and thus the value it provides to the space. 

However, there are instances where art can be hung at different heights, such as to create a collage wall. The important thing to remember is that even while art remains on the walls, its placement should tie in with the layout of the home, including doorways, windows, and furniture. 

Choosing Colours

Try to steer clear of matching the colour scheme of a piece of art to the rest of the room. 

This can cause the art to end up blending into the background, becoming virtually invisible instead of being a visual highlight.  

Size Matters

Art that is too small relative to the size of a space can end up feeling lost. Instead of placing small art in large rooms, try putting them in corners, smaller rooms, or close to furniture where it is more visible. 

Conversely, large canvases should be given more room to be displayed. Give more room around large art for it to claim the space without having to compete with other pieces of art unless it’s part of a larger collage. 


The frame of an art piece is every bit as important as the art itself — a well-designed frame can take an art piece to the next level. Choose frames for art pieces that complement it while matching the theme of the space. This helps to achieve a stunning visual transition from the rest of the space to the artwork itself. 

At Professional Picture Hanging, we’ve worked with homes and commercial galleries across Australia for art curation. Whether you’re an avid art collector or looking to enhance your living space, our expert art curation services can help you achieve your ideal design. Contact us today for any picture hanging, framing, or art curation needs!

How Much Does A Custom Picture Framing Cost?


The cost of a custom picture framing service can range between $100 to $500, or potentially even higher, depending on what you are after in terms of size, material, and the type of artwork/picture you need framed. 

Considering that the price of off-the-shelf picture frames at department stores are typically much lower, it can be difficult to determine how much you’ll actually end up paying for a custom picture frame. However, despite the higher upfront custom picture framing cost, the value that comes with it is well worth it; particularly if you’re framing a sentimental, priceless, or precious artwork.

Why are custom frames more expensive?

Not all frames are built with the same quality and craftsmanship — compare the make of a store-bought picture frame with a custom made picture frame, and the differences are clear. Here are the main factors that contribute to higher costs for customised framing:

Frame style and material

The chosen style and material of a frame will be the main contributors of cost. Most store-bought frames are mass produced with much cheaper materials and come in predetermined, basic designs. 

Custom frames, on the other hand, incorporate the use of higher-quality materials such as timber, metals, polystyrene, and even sustainable materials like bamboo. These materials are much more durable, but come at a premium. 

Regarding frame style, custom frames offer much more in terms of customisation, allowing for a dynamic range of decorative options such as ornate, traditional, and minimalistic designs.

Size of the frame

The larger the size of the custom frame, the more expensive it will be. Custom frames can be tailored to regular print sizes from as small as 10x15cm, to huge print sizes up to 100x150cm. Price wise, smaller custom picture frames may be able to be made for under $100, but the cost can quickly rise with the required size of the frame, up to $500 and over. 

The reason for this jump in price is that much more material will need to be used in the construction of larger frames, as well as adjustments to the design to account for weight and security. 


Glazing refers to the type of protective coverage placed over the artwork while ensuring good visibility. With custom framing, the option of excluding glazing is possible, but generally not recommended, due to the potential for dust, dirt, and even UV rays to damage the artwork or picture.  

Glass and acrylic are both commonly used materials for glazing, and can come in specially made forms such as non-reflective, conservation clear, and museum glass that each offer a different level of protection for the artwork. Choosing more specialised types of glazing will contribute more to the cost of the custom picture frame. 

Mats and borders

Mats and borders offer an additional layer of protection to prevent the glazing from coming in contact with the artwork or picture. These are especially useful for delicate pieces of artwork, but can also help to enhance the presentation of the piece. Custom-cut mats are designed to fit the frame perfectly.

The value of custom picture framing

The value that a custom picture frame provides is well worth its cost — not only does it provide considerable protection for high-value artwork, but it also helps the picture stand out in any space as a highlight. 

Artworks or pictures that are not made to fit standard dimensions, will not be suitable for store-bought frames. A custom picture framing will take the exact sizing and depth of the picture into account (yes, even odd sizes) and allow it to fit perfectly in a safe display environment. 

Custom picture frames can also be personalised in every way, from engravings to the inclusion of labels on the frame to add to the artwork’s appearance. It’s one of the reasons why so many people opt for a custom frame to help their pictures blend seamlessly into their home or space. 

Last but not least, custom picture frames offer the best protection for artwork. Off-the-shelf frames are much cheaper in terms of price, but also in terms of quality. The use of high quality materials in a custom picture frame will ensure that the artwork stays preserved in its original quality without running the risk of physical damage or wear and tear. 

How to get an accurate quote for custom picture framing prices

So, how much will a custom picture framing cost for your specific piece of artwork or picture? The best way to find out is to approach an expert picture framing service for an accurate quote. 

At Professional Picture Hanging, we are Australia’s picture hanging and picture framing experts for all types and sizes of artworks. If you have a valued piece you want to display prominently in your space, be it a memento, a certificate, or an artwork, we can help you find a custom picture framing solution that meets your preferences. 

Hanging Pictures & Artwork on Brick Walls

Hanging Pictures & Artwork on Brick Walls

Brick walls are known for making a space appear more rustic, industrial, and charming – particularly in homes. However, the uneven texture and hard composition of bricks can make it hard to securely hang pictures, artwork, and frames. 

Can You Hang Pictures and Artwork on Brick Walls?

Yes, you can! But it’s not as easy as it seems, as brick walls are significantly harder to drill into to place the hooks or wall anchors that your pictures or paintings will hang from. 

Unlike easier-to-work-with wall surfaces like drywall or concrete, working on a brick wall will take considerably more effort and expertise in order to achieve a safe and secure structure to hang picture frames. 

 A Simple Guide for Hanging Pictures on Brick Walls

A Simple Guide for Hanging Pictures on Brick Walls

Hanging pictures or artwork on brick walls can be tricky — brick surfaces are not easy to work with, and usually require specialised expertise for safety reasons and to ensure a secure installation. 

In general, to prepare brick walls for picture hanging, you need to:

Mark the spots on the brick wall — This can help you plan the spacing of the artwork. Be sure to take measurements as necessary to avoid overlaps and the need to drill multiple holes. 

Choose the right equipment – Inserting the right wall anchors into the drilled sections on the wall is crucial. Not using the right type of anchor to support the load of the frame will result in an insecure installation. 

Get someone who knows what they are doing — whether you’re renting or you’re in an older brick property, don’t risk the security of your property and the artwork by DIY-ing a project that isn’t as simple as it seems. Consider getting in someone who know what they are doing when it comes to hanging artwork on brick walls.

Common Mistakes When Hanging Pictures and Art on Brick Walls

Common Mistakes When Hanging Pictures and Art on Brick Walls

When trying to hang pictures onto a brick wall, there are two common mistakes that should be avoided:

  • Mistake #1: Drilling into the brick

Brick material is extremely hard, and if the drilling process is not done with the proper expertise, can potentially result in cracking or damaging the wall. Instead of choosing to drill into the brick material, it’s typically recommended to drill into the mortar surface between the bricks. Holes drilled into mortar are much easier to be filled in later on, should you decide to shift the position of your pictures or artwork. 

  • Mistake #2: Using adhesive hooks or wall anchors

The porous and uneven surface of brick walls often make it an unreliable surface to use adhesive based hooks or anchors, even for small and lightweight frames. While adhesive hooks are much easier to install, there’s a higher likelihood of them failing to securely hold onto the brick wall, meaning that your pictures and artwork could fall and be damaged as a result. 

Can You Hang Art on Brick Walls in a Rental?

Yes, but with caveats. With rental situations, it’s advised to check with the agent or owner if any drilling or modification to the brick wall is permitted. Drilled holes into brick walls are usually considered as “damage” to the apartment, so be careful to seek permission first before proceeding with the work. 

The Value of Professional Advice When Hanging on Brick Walls

Trying to hang artwork and pictures on a brick wall as a DIY project is possible, but it’s not without the risks of causing structural and cosmetic damage to the wall. As the leading professional picture-hanging service in Australia, we have the right skills and equipment to hang your artwork and pictures safely and securely. Contact us today to start hanging your artwork on your brick wall!

What’s the Heaviest Mirror You Can Hang on the Wall?

What's the Heaviest Mirror You Can Hang on the Wall - Featured Image

Large mirrors can enlarge smaller areas in the home by creating the illusion of more space. However, they come with a significant challenge — their sheer weight of large, quality mirrors often makes it difficult to get them hung up on the wall. If not hung properly, a large, heavy mirror can fall down and break – or worse, injure you or a loved one.

So, if you’re due to hang a new, large mirror on the wall, here are some safety considerations and limitations you should keep in mind.

How much does a heavy mirror weigh?

Mirrors are made from a sheet of glass, which has a density of 2.5. That means that a 1-by-1 metre with a thickness of 5 mm will have a weight of approximately 12.5kg. Depending on the dimensions of your mirror, it may have a considerable weight. You should also take the material and size of the mirror’s border into consideration. 

If you’ve bought the heavy mirror from a retail store or manufacturer, there’s a good chance that they will have the weight of the mirror listed as under its specifications.

Factors to consider when hanging a heavy mirror

Planning to Hang a Heavy Mirror Professional Picture Hanging Blog

The type of wall material in your home

The material type of your home’s wall is one of the biggest factors to consider when hanging a heavy mirror. Home wall materials usually come in concrete, brick, timber wood, or gyprock (plaster). 

Concrete and brick are the most durable types of wall material, followed by timber wood, and lastly, gyprock. The more durable your walls are, the more weight they will naturally be able to support. 

The weight of the mirror itself

The heavier your mirror is, the more difficult it will be to hang on the wall. Conventional wall nails and hooks will usually only support up to 22kg — anything past that level will pose a safety risk to the mirror and the area around it. 

For safety, you should always double the weight of your mirror before applying the result to the load capacity of your chosen hanging method. This is to account for the added stress and movements that the heavy mirror may undergo over time. 

The position of the mirror

The height and position that you want to hang the heavy mirror can influence the difficulty of securing the mirror into place, if at all. As a general rule, the heavier the mirror, the closer to the ground you should hang it to avoid disastrous damage if it falls down. 

The hanging orientation is another thing to consider. Hanging the mirror horizontally will mean that you will need more anchor points along its length to ensure that its weight is evenly supported. 

The type of hanging method

Determine what kind of tools or solutions you are going to use to hang the mirror. Anchor hooks with drill nails will offer more weight support but come with the downside of having to make unsightly holes in your walls that remain if you choose to change the hanging location. There’s also no guarantee that the hooks will hold up over time, leading to a precarious situation where the mirror could fall anytime. 

There are, however, some solutions that can effortlessly support a heavy mirror while offering an elegant look that doesn’t ruin your wall’s appearance. We’ll get into that later on. 

Remember Infographic For Those Planning to Hang Heavy Mirror on Wall

How to gauge wall and equipment load capacity before mounting

Using the factors we’ve outlined above, you should have a good idea of the limitations of your wall and hanging equipment load capacity in comparison with the weight of the heavy mirror. 

Always remember to check and double-check the specifications of the mounting equipment, whether they are anchors, screws, or customised hardware that came with the mirror. 

Our advice is to always consult a professional contractor or mirror hanging expert to find the right solution instead of hanging it on your own.

What is the best way to hang a heavy mirror?

As we’ve mentioned, the best way to hang a heavy mirror is to engage the professional assistance of a mirror hanging service. DIY projects may be tempting, but doing so may not result in a high-quality or safe mounting for your heavy mirror. Using a service will also provide you the opportunity to have a specialised hanging system or rail that you can also use to hang other pictures as well. 

A professional mirror hanging service will ensure all safety considerations are taken into account when mounting the mirror, and can do so quickly and efficiently. At Professional Picture Hanging, we’re the experts for hanging services for all types of mirrors, whether it’s a single large mirror in a home, or several large mirrors as part of a commercial project – we service Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Byron Bay, and Newcastle.